About Me


          I'm A 23 Year old with big dreams. Ive been riding since the age of 10 and received my first pony at the age of 12 for my golden birthday. I think I was 15 when I received my first horse as a Christmas present and she was a 16 year old rescue (now 24 years old) and from then on I've been working with and learning all I can about training methods as well as taking riding lessons to better my skills.

          In 2002 I competed in the All American Quarter Horse Congress though I haven't, competitively run barrels, since. However I do fun shows now and again. I trained for about 6 months with a Natural Horsemanship trainer and now good friend of mine. Then spring of 2008 I spent 6 months as an assistant trainer with a professional Western Pleasure trainer.

           On top of my riding I also am an aspiring artist and because art usually don't pay the bills it's mostly a hobby. All the pictures on the site I took myself unless stated otherwise. I also customize Breyer horses for fun and Ill once and awhile have some posted for sale.

           Anyways if you have any questions email me at NoHorseLeftBehind@hotmail.com

          I'm currently based in Limestone, Michigan though a few times a year I travel through and stay in Milwaukee, WI &  Escanaba, MI